One Less Thing To Worry About

Increase brand awareness for LloydsDirect which helps patients to order their repeat prescriptions.
It is an important service that a lot of people need but not a lot of them have taken up the offer, mostly because digital channels have plateaued in terms of getting conversions so LloydsDirect is looking at Above-the-Line channels to reach out to the 50+ audience.

We decided to entertain people in 30 sec spots rather than selling product features and have a serialised approach to the ads.
So the 50+ audience builds a connection with the husband and wife in the ad. Allowing us to build a communication platform, on which we can build for the client in the future, spots by repeating the characters.

Two 30” TV spots have been made as episode 1 and 2 and their cut downs of 10” and 15” have also been made to work across DRTV and Online channels.
Ten photographs have been selected that will be used in image based ads across all digital channels.